RE:A Double from here?hey friend
the addition of a new director left me wondering on true direction here but with another from a different fund seems to mark a solid direction.make no mistake that the usual suspects does not a company make but an agenda can be inferred here.
i still ain't buying for awhile but more of a market thing.
the belly river aquisition could turn out to be a pretty good me crazy but the "jim reaper" in alberta isn't going to cut any slack-tax and royalty aside.
reclamation bond for small cap is increased,no new relief for resource exploitation,no cost plus for utility or infrastucture work.make it happen or move on.
i still think that this company will be in the re-cap/aquisition mode going forward but will the deals be made for growth or 'house benefit'?keep an eye on how the money gets spent.
i would want to trade in step with them and not on reports or tv appearances,not discounting either in their role for dd.
happy hunting