RE:RE:RE:RE:let me ask you...Magritte,
These are mine based on certain assumpetion to compare. If unser 10% one would scrutinise closer. More than that, we could all use more info, but the deal they can do in this market will ultimately determine all that. If I exclude all past investments the number goes up. An IRR is a quick gage, after that your cash flow and how much room you are left for contingencies. What the creditors agree to or sign off on should be based on a manageable business plan untill generating revenue. None of us can second guess what that is going to be. Teh deal they strike is what peopel are going to have to work it. It is not something that Shareholders will be in a positon to renegotiate. If they could, companies couldn't get anything done. We will hopefully know more in 2 weeks.