GREY:PEYTF - Post by User
Post by
elliotwaveson Apr 02, 2015 8:43pm
Post# 23594006
just my thoughts
just my thoughts
when they crunched the numbers for their guidance 2015 and slashed the dividend to a penny, it was base on $50 WTI and $3 gas. Oil is at $49.50 and gas is at $2.73, sounds a little early for the doom and gloom. I think the problem here is some fund has a margin call and has to liquidate and one of it's holdings is plt.un. I am too long around .65 . I hear people in the news about Iran and its sanctions being lifted and oil will tank to $20, sorry but I have to call BS, if Iran wouldn't comply at $100/barrel they sure are not going to comply at $20. I would say that this is all about sending a message to the Saudi Arabia to turning down the taps and playing nice because I guarantee the Saudi's don't want to sell their oil at $50 let alone $20. Just my thoughts.. Happy Easter.