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Frontera Energy Corp T.FEC

Alternate Symbol(s):  FECCF

Frontera Energy Corporation is a Canada-based oil and gas company. The Company is involved in the exploration, development, production, transportation, storage, and sale of oil and natural gas in South America, including related investments in both upstream and midstream facilities. The Company has a diversified portfolio of assets with interests in 27 exploration and production blocks in Colombia, Ecuador, and Guyana, and pipeline and port facilities in Colombia. The Company’s segments include Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Midstream Colombia, and Canada & Others. Colombia includes all upstream business activities of exploration and production in Colombia. Ecuador includes all upstream business activities of exploration and production in Ecuador. Guyana includes exploration and infrastructure. Midstream Colombia includes the Company’s investments in pipelines, storage, port, and other facilities relating to the distribution and exportation of crude oil products in Colombia.

TSX:FEC - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by grantoueon Apr 06, 2015 3:42pm
Post# 23601455

stock price

stock priceI think we are going to have to see some long term oil price increases or some very positive news to move the stock price forward. 
Bullboard Posts