RE:REE and GMAI hope you will get an update soon Ventureguy. You are rising valid points in your post.
What is supposed to be the next news release? There is not only the timeline that is problematic, there is also the issue of not knowing what is coming in terms of news. It seems to me that normally, for other issuers, we know what is coming. Therefore, if an issuer is late in one of its milestones, it goes back to the shareholder and inform them about the nature of the delays. With GMA, we expect PEA, we receive gold news. We expect optimization tests, we get Innord or a new PP, etc.
It's sad that we have to "contact Kiril if you want to know" type of answer. All the information should be transparent and available to the public. Future investors needs public filling to perform their due diligence. Not a phone call with someone who has apparently no shares of GMA (last time I checked SEDI, Kiril was not mentioned as an insider of GMA)
Anyway, what is supposed to be the next news release? Resource update? If it is the case, I really wonder if the stock will move even with great news. We may see the usual sell on news type of reaction from investors. It seems to me that PEA is the key and I am starting to think that with what has happened in the last year, we may have to wait even longer than what GMA has written in the Re-re-re-re-re amended corporate presentation dated February 2015 to see the PEA.