Samsung or Not2.5 million shares traded yesterday. A lot of that came from new traders who have downloaded the app and seen first hand the quality of the product. That means there is a great deal of excitement without Samsung and Bruce's innuendoes. Should a signing occur in the near future, that is gravy and would send this to $ 1 and more in a hurry. 3dgo itself with it's ease of instalation and quality are what is the driving force behind the recent climb to #3 in the LG app ratings.I suspect the volume and interest will only grow as the word gets out. I suspect any stall in the rise in share price would only be temporary until St Nick decides to share that info with us. I can only guess that he is so busy with trying to sign Samsung that he hasn't had time to put down the phone long enough to gather the stats.Let's see what the momentum is today. If it gets to .30 by closing then watch out, especially if Monday is a PR day . Timing is everything Nick. Get it right for a change. A hint about the numbers goes a long way. Even just a word in passing.......