EXPM:MXMSF - Post by User
Comment by
leverage1971on Apr 13, 2015 11:32am
Post# 23623290
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:REAL DOGThe thread was a response to Maaxy's point that insiders had not been buying.
Can't buy is different than won't buy. Amusingly and ironically if Art were buying you would
have reason for your comment and yet would have to forget without acknowledging that you made the case that the lack of insider buying was telling :). In the end it doesn't matter every stock and I do mean every one has reason for optimism, pessimism, reasons to like management, dislike them. I could name 10 companies in each sector from AU to U308 that have directors, or news releases or stock plans or... you get the picture.
What I also know is that in every one there are those that are beyond disgruntled who are bitter
and cant see a positive if it came in the form of a "cross" "+" and hit them in the head with
a dose of ironic punishment. I know too much irony in one post.
For giggles I would ask if you prefer that MXM didn't employ people that can raise money?
or had insiders that didn't support the company's stock? In the end the idea that the past is anything more than what has happened before is anecdotal; what I am interested in is do they
have the pieces in place to break out of the mold of "also rans" to become something. You do not
and so post by innuendo that others should disbelieve the possibility; others have hope and see
recent developments as potentially instructive going forward. In the end your tongue and cheek comments have little impact as do mine; where this story goes... up or down... is in the hands of
Male, Stadnyk, Baron and Art by my estimation. The idea that one would make any decision involving money after reading a Bullboard post that you "really love" is funny and so I thank you
for the little laugh on this sunny Monday.