Wacko market behavior last weekIt seems like most of the investors of this stock have no idea of their business.
They have no PATENTED products. Perhaps this needs to said slower for the slow people here.
t-h-e-y h-a-v-e n-o-o-o p-a-t-e-n-t-e-d p-r-o-d-u-c-t-s.
The fact that another company is developing a similar product simply proves the market. Feramax represents a tiny part of the iron market in Canada. There is no issue of generic that only applies to patent products. There are dozens of competing products - one more doesn't matter. It has no effect on their business and if anything may even help because of more awareness of their proven superior product.
It was expected Feramax would peak a year or 2 ago. It still hasn't happened. When it peaks it will continue to be a cash cow for decades. Lots of other products now and lots more in development.
Anything under $10 is a cheap price for this stock. Once earnings come out next month all this silliness will be forgotten. Good buying opportunity.