Macau... What is your story manWe are all aware of the abusive compensation plan that the board has... You've reminded us time and time again. What I don't understand is what your deal is. Do you WANT to drive everyone away and punish the stock down to 1.50 to get the boards attention? They already know the majority of shareholders are pissed off, especially the long time holders like myself. You are either dishonest, have ulterior motives or just part of a bad investment firm. You said in late January that your firm was looking at this company but slammed it with all your "accurate" but piling on info. Go re read it if you've forgotten... Then April 10, you say you're "in"!!! What the &@$&. Why would and your " firm" be in a company thtas going down and have bad surprises around the corner? Maybe you're in with ten shares and plan to buy tens of thousands after you crush the stock.... Well you're on your way man. For those of us that have had the stock for twenty years plus, we made lots of money sold on the way up, at least me, between 5.75-6.25 US... And have been buying again as the stock did get quite ahead of itself and has been retreating. Don't get me wrong, the comp. plan needs to and WILL be addressed... I just don't want to drive the stock to sub 2.00 to make it happen.