RE:Bought some more...
Thanks for sharing capitalgain for all the new people who have and will be coming aboard shortly. TWO REALLY BIG POINTS TO MENTION SINCE THE ARTICLE ARE, THE HEALTH CANADA EXEMPTION FOR USE OF CANNIBINOIDS. THE RECENT MITACS GRANT FOR CHRONIC OROFACIAL PAIN. Also good to mention that INMED has applied for two additional grants for pipelines yet to be announced. They noted in a recent newscast that their funded for the current year for the current pipelines announced, and are now preparing for expansion of the additional pipelines, HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE BEING ONE OF THE BIG ONES. Yes I own alot of shares in this company have been buying them regularly for the past five months. I believe strongly in what Craig and the team are doing as some of their progressions are going to help people I'm very close to. I'm not going to pump this stock as some may think I may be doing, I'm a very patient person whom knows this stock is going to sell itself once the team has proven their PATENTED IDP process works to the world. There is going to be a few more ups and downs before the real news is announced that people want to hear before this stock takes off. SO ENJOY BUYING WHILE THEY ARE STILL CHEAP, I WILL BE HONEST I DID ENJOY BUYING THEM A LOT MORE WHEN THEY WERE 10 CENTS LOL ALL THE BEST TO EVERYONE GOING TO BEA GOOD YEAR ONCE THEY ANNOUNCE SOME DEALS WITH BIGGER PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES. CHEERS ALL....