POSITIVE FFO at US$17M with Brent at US$70 & 5,400 bopdOne of the main claims here by the resident LIAR Schlinker was that PTA had NEGATIVE operating cash flow in Q4 2014.
PTA proved that it had very strong Positive CF in Q4 2014, although it received US$70/bbl.
The ONE-TIME, non-recurring costs in Q3 2014 due to the Suroco deal that impacted the FFO are OVER!
Also, PTA proved that it had Positive Operating CF with Brent at US$70, BEFORE the cost savings initiatives that took place in Q1 2015.
In Q4 2014, Positive FFO at US$17 million with Brent at US$70.
In Q4 2014, Positive operating CF at US$32 million with Brent at US$70.
Again, that was BEFORE the cost reduction initiatives that were implemented in Q1 2015.
Right now, with Brent at US$60, 4,600 bopd and reduced costs, PTA has approximately US$20/bbl Positive CF which translates into approximately US$8 million FFO per quarter. POSITIVE, not Negative as Schlinker has been claiming again and again.
Due to two operational one time problems (pump failure in Langur-1 that was repaired in late March, Quinde-3), the production dropped. Nevertheless, PTA has Zero debt and US$28 million CASH now after paying the CAD notes. This is the company's fundamental position NOW.
With production at 4,600 bopd, it has EV US$55 million now when the peers like AMER.L and PPC.L have US$375 M and US$80M Enterprise Value respectively.
AMER has the same production like PTA.
PPC produces only 430 bopd, as Miner pointed out.
So you choose....