IMO this is the most likely scenario. Sheldon exercised millions of warrants (cheap ones). Now he is selling to take a handsome profit. Lets review some theories. Theory 1 - He is trying to get more votes. OK, it doesn't matter how many votes a single person has because it will never be enough votes to overturn any sort of proposal that the majority wants. Silly theory IMO. Theory 2 - He wouldn't sell because its in his RSP and he would have to pay tax on the profits. OK, who cares that it is in his RSP account. It doesn't mean he has to take the profits out, he can just reinvest within that account to make even more money. Theory 3 - Why would Sheldon sell when POET is on the verge of a major breakthrough? OK, he owns millions of shares so its not like he is on the outside looking in if something happens. He is a businessman that likes to make money. Heck if I had millions of $0.35 warrants I would likely sell some too at $1.50. Simply put IMO he is exercising warrants to sell them and make money. Is that so bad?