Nationalization of Kumtor it's destruction Nationalization is the destruction
Achyk Sayasat plus
April 17, 2015Print version
Last week, when Parliament was considering "Kumtor", the leader of the faction "Ata Meken" Tekebayev said that he had not given up the idea of nationalization of the mine. But after such a slogan socialist leader said nothing about the subsequent responsibility. Speaking at the LCD, Tekebayev openly said that we should nationalize "Kumtor" and choose this path. But no one said that the man in Kyrgyzstan called "the father of the law," he pushes society into lawlessness. No matter how many experts the mining industry did not say how hard it will be to Kyrgyzstan by the nationalization of Kumtor, all turn a blind eye to it.
Indeed, if we select "Kumtor", then stop not only production, but also Kyrgyzstan suffer heavy losses. Well, listen and go to nationalization, then who will work at the mine? "Kyrgyzaltyn"? If there is nationalization, the mine completely passed into the hands of the company. It would be wrong to pass mine in their hands when the state enterprise itself can not provide for themselves properly. For example, if you look at the activities of the mines operated by "Kyrgyzaltyn", their deplorable condition.
Take the example of the same Makmal. At this plant work almost stopped and production is minimal. It was also reported that the explosives at the mine were stolen. Another thing is if management "Kyrgyzaltyn" was able to cope with such an enterprise as "Kumtor". Another example of the fact that despite the large reserves of the mine for the past three years, profit fell to 100 times. In 2012, "Kyrgyzaltyn" earned a profit of 204 million soms in 2013 earnings reached the level of 91 million soms, and in 2014, a total of 3.9 million soms. It is unwise to pass "Kumtor" company, which rolls back into bankruptcy.
Here you can compare the "Kumtor", which each year pays millions of dollars to Kyrgyzstan. In 2014, from the mining company has received 283 million dollars. This amount includes some of the costs. What kind of benefits it brings? Work there over 2,500 of our citizens who feed their families, hundreds of companies sell their goods and earn their living. Those who talk about nationalization, should think about it.
Recently, representatives of "Kyrgyzaltyn" Kylychbek Shakirov has made it known that the negotiations with the Canadian investors to establish a joint venture to continue. But special statement Joomart Otorbaev initiative and LCD nationalization negative impact on gold production at the mine. Also, there are fears that the gold reserves in the "Kumtor" reduced. Will be correct if the leaders to stop political interest, think about the economy of Kyrgyzstan and come to the correct decision. We must not forget that the nationalization of "Kumtor" is its destruction.