Guys its not just about finding exact match, please readFreddie I appreciate you writing something logical, very refreshing. Cortexia is a great company but if you look deeply into it, Slyce with visual search, ability to send out coupons as their deal with snip snap allows them to do, ssnip snap being one of the largest online couponing companies, offer pop deal with brands, huge revenue deal, bizarevoice, and now signal360 one of the leading Beacon companies in the world, ONE CLICK PAYMENT check out, plus 3 major retailers under contract, tough to dispute there are not at least a front runner in the space. Nobody can dispute that. For clarity Slyce makes their revenues from Major Brands and retailers, ITS NOT ABOUT EXACT MATCHING, the brands and retailers just want their exact or closet relevant match to show up on your phone for purchase, and all the big data Slyce also collects from all of these photos, where, what the cusomers are taking photos of, very valuable to the retailers and brands. You guys are missing the big picture NONE OF THE RETAILERS WHO PAY THE CONTARCTS, care about exact match they just want the consumer to be presented with their closest match. Slyce builds what the big box reatilers want, they being the reatilers just want to get more info on their consumer and to compete with the likes of Amazon.