RE:Angry Colabor Investors - Assign me your proxy voteRizzi, similar to the previus response, I urge you not to waste your time.
You will not be able to influence the vote.
You are not the first one to have wasted your time & money on this stock.
Neither will you be the last.
Every quarter, this stock sucks in a new breed of wannabe value investors into its trap.
If you have a running loss on this position (I can't imagine who doesn't), I suggest you sell, take the loss, and use it to offset other gains this tax year.
Do not throw good money after bad.
There are fundamental issues with this company, hangover from its trust days, ConjuChem takeover etc.
They have demonstrated a singular inability to make money under any kind of economic circumstances.
They have proven to be poor fiscal managers.
Management is insipid & unimaginative.
They are in a highly competitive industry, with no tools & ability to compete.
Basically, they have brought a knife into a gunfight, and that too a small & blunt one.
Anyhow, I suggest you cash out of your position at this time, and take your money elsewhere.
Let this be a lesson learnt such that you watch out for similar conditions/criteria in future when investing.