RE:Icebergs ahead Cap'n!Icebergs - no problem, we just take a detour around them, and they melt away
New R600W R00E R780E and all the way to NXE stuffs, corridor of uranium
In between R780E and NXE stuffs high potential to host more goodies
We c.................
quakes99 wrote: Ahoy mateys! These are iceberg laden waters for the good ship Fission to navigate today. Our Level 2 radar was showing only 120,000 cu ft for that $1.20 berg when we first entered the channel but it took over 850,000 cu ft to be melted away before it disappeared to reveal a $1.21 berg with 130,000 cu ft showing. Steady as she goes helmsman. We'll see how big this $1.21 berg really is... and we see more like it on the horizon.
Pray for hot weather crew!
May the gods grant us the fuel to keep stoking the fires that drive our good ship to its final destination! Amen.
Full steam ahead!