been down so long it looks like up to me..(Nancy Sinatra) I am amused but not dishearted by this state of affairs. With so many stocks doing so well I feel like an idiot owning TLT...for now. I suspect I am not the only one. I remain the rock, my efforts of late have at least sent the sociopaths into self reflection and cleaned up our little investors club, Silence is our sweet reward... but I itch for more cash.
I am a hot sauce hobby musician on a mission, facts are...there is a 95% chance our cancer treatment PDCs will get a 100% kill rate. We have known that for years. The hesitation in the advancement of the treatment arose because that is not a true measure of success. The treatment for NMIBC is a delicate topic..this requires remarkable can't just treat without full control of the treatment. .which requires technologies which do not yet exist, but are in process. their in lies the risk. If Dr Lilge can deliver the sensors we need, If his student can deliver the Full Monte modelling control for the safe application, The treatment will work "I am 95% certain" but how well will it work? !00% tumor destuction...then what? The tale of the tape depends on the reoccurance rate..and overall survival of therse beloved patients.
There is enormous competition for our investments...investors want to sell so they can jump on a faster horse. But the other vauations are streatched...they will all come back next week..,they know why,. I am a rock...but I am not an island..GLTA