UK - ur wrong as usual....They have a 4 month hold - on the shares. Please sharpen your pencil -
Here I'll assist your game - handicap - putt game.
They have a 4 month hold in the shares - were safe for 4 months....
Now - this is why I want poydras to capture a good 3-4 more contracts.
The stock will rise - and conservatively speaking let's say based on more contracts
The stock achieves a .40 - .65 cents. Based on good long term contracts.
So - once the 4 month hold on the stocks expires - what will Global do?
It becomes a 50\50 chance going either way - selling some or all - keeping them.
If the stock is priced as above - around the .50 cent mark....
I think there's a very good chance that Global will - retain the shares - just my opinion of course.
Ask yourself how much do they control? 17.6 %
A significant power and ..... What intruiges me most?
The recent agreement of allowing Global an advisory role.
That tells me - they want to be apart of this venture.... Not just sit on the sidelines.
Any company that's wants such a role - usually means they want to be apart of the success.
All I know - is I'm happy Poydras has a Capital company by their side.
With capital - there's call kinds of possibilities.
My opinions are my own - please do your own research - I may be wrong or I made right.