Colombian pipeline news, this morning at 5am, translatedIt Llanos Pipeline (ODL) and the Bicentenario pipeline (OBC), which will have a single management, although both companies will continue to operate completely independent.The decision is part of the adjustment plan has been necessary to implement by the oil companies to save costs, as a measure to offset the fall in oil prices. The ODL is owned by Ecopetrol and Pacific Rubiales Energy, the two largest oil companies of the country. For its part, the OBC, Ecopetrol and Pacific have 99% of the company, while Vetra and Canacol, the other 1%. This same shareholding structure will continue, although companies will have a single management. The new manager of the two companies will be Nelson Moyano who so far had been working as general manager of the Plains Pipeline. While Fernando Gutierrez, Bicentenario Pipeline current manager, will leave the organizational structure. The ODL is the pipeline that brings the most raw of the Colombian plains and extends from the Rubiales field to the Cusiana field, where the hydrocarbons are dispatched to the Colombian Caribbean Coast. This pipeline has a capacity for 320,000 barrels a day transports. He is currently transporting about 250,000 barrels per day. Last year the company made profits of $ 54,000 million, according to the latest report from Ecopetrol. In addition, the Bicentenario pipeline came into operation from October 2013 and takes crude from eastern Cuba to the coast of Covenas.