RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Is the 99.9998 a first in its kind???harddaysnight wrote:
On a ten thousand dollar bill its a 20 cent difference in percentage terms from previously released 2013 testing.Not earth shattering or worthy of anything more than what it is.Shareholders need to see some assays and a PEA derived from these assays.Pile of 100% pure graphite is only promotion until enough can be found to model a profitable business for shareholders.Right now its chief rubbing his hands together apparent by his dozens of posts
Well that's the dumbest response to this nr that I've seen so far. I'm glad you can keep on the resource bashing though. Keep beating that dead horse. The lack of a defined resource is built into the sp already. What wasn't...was that we have graphite that now measures impurities in the ppb, not ppm or ppt. Also, and the fact that you wouldn't address this paints you as basher more than anything is that we are now in "advanced discussions" with the very people who will buy this product. But of course you wouldn't want to talk about that would you? No of course goes contrary to your purpose of posting. Now shoo, you're bothering me.