THE GAME - banks, dark pools, Vexchange and counterpartsIf ever there is one article to read, this is it. The holy grail to understanding how things work on the exchanges, with banks and dark pools and the unseen trades that make level 2 a mere folly, as traders cannot see the true market depth, and how the new exchange rules are against companies and traders - but favor a forcing of companies listed to a one option of - a one road - that leads to failure and the financier. This article I highly recommend, for the intrepid investor. An article that should steam investors and demand justice - to revamping a system that has bilked many. Its a system designed to make only the @@@@@ take all own all. Enjoy, its a great Sunday read. Keep an eye on level 2 - and those odd other exchanges - I know I'll be watching for those odd manipulative trades. Cheers !