RE:RelaxJopen. his success was in video. that is all anyone talked about, remember? that and only that got AVO the attention and money to launch. then he buys card access, then analytics and then profits start going down and stock tanks as for myself, lets just say for effort expanded, not using other peoples money to build a yet unproven empire, I am making a ton more profit on a per capita basis then AVO. I am not going to go bust because I do not owe a penny. No, I am doing rather well thank you. 50's and able to pick and choose who my cleints are and tell anyone of them to go fly a kite if I choose to. Not working till midnight anymore, no stock holders or winy staff. So ya I can afford to spends some time and try and educate some investors on this board that know nothing about the security field. Hey, here's a tip for you. as you seem smart and everyone says card access is a market to be in. go get some mercury boards, buy maybe 5 K of software from different manuafactirs so you can see what it is all about, go to ASIS and wander the halls for 3 days and go hire some code writing kid and make your own card access panels. off shore to china and you will be able to compete in market. I am guessing that with 100K I could have software and a board that would equal red cloud. If 30 years younger I would do it. have a nice day. have go outside on my hobby farm and do some chores. hope your not stuck inside some cubicle today and doing commute for an hour tonight to a semi detached. Such a nice day everyone should be outside enjoying the weather. cheers