RE:RE:RE:Fully loaded and ready to go! What nonsense. And about Quakes... he is like the crew on the titanic, still playing joyfully when the ship went down.
I'm NOT saying FCU is a sinking ship, but it would enhance quakes' reputation if he would just say what is going on, instead of only speaking about what WILL or COULD happen. His "feelings" don't turn people's hard earned money/portfolios from negative to positive. And if he truly was so hyped about the stock, then why did he recently bought more shares? Why not sooner, if all this TA and warnings are "bashing material by non-believers". The only thing I believe is reality.
What IS happening is this: there is no(t enough) demand for Fission shares. Period. Sure there are 100k bids here and there, but if they were more bids than asks, the stockprice would simply be chased upwards. Basic economics.
And oh boy is he creative with his arguments. Then it's "the leader" Cameco dragging everyone down, then it's the Alberta elections, then it's flow through shares being sold. WHATEVER.
I've stated VERY clearly and VERY specifically that this is a slow bleed period, and that's because there's simply NOT ENOUGH demand for uranium, nor for FCU at the present time. FCU IS and REMAINS a buyout play, PERIOD.