RE:RE:RRRRoll back the RRRRim: Will Sprott wwwwin?pigbruinmcveid wrote: roll back on the special meeting agenda?
Another 1-for-10 will completely wipe out old-timey shareholders, LOL.
An initial investment of $10,000 in 1992 would now be worth $1.35 (5 shares at 27 cents).
Carpenter Lake (CTA) became Wayside Gold (WAY) in 1992, and rolled back its shares on a one-for-four basis. Ten thousand shares became 2,500 shiny, new shares.
Wayside Gold Mines (WAY) became International Wayside (IWG) in 1994 and rolled its shares back on a one-for-3.7 basis. Those 2,500 shiny, new shares now became 675 tiny, shiny, new shares.
In 2005, the shares were rolled back on a one-for-10 basis. Those 675 tiny, shiny, new shares now became 65 weeny, tiny, shiny, new shares.
In 2009, the shares were again rolled back on a one-for-10 basis. Those 65 weeny, tiny, shiny, new shares now became 5 teeny, weeny, tiny, shiny, new shares.