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Belo Sun Mining Corp T.BSX

Alternate Symbol(s):  BSXGF

Belo Sun Mining Corp. is a Canada-based development and mineral exploration mining company. The Company is advancing Brazil's undeveloped gold deposit at the Volta Grande Project in Para State. The Volta Grande Project is situated in the Tres Palmeiras greenstone belt in Para State, Brazil. Although the project's mining license covers 2400 hectares (24 square kilometers), the actual area dedicated to the mining operation is much smaller, encompassing only about 10 square kilometers. The Volta Grande Gold Project is accessible by both road and river. Altamira is a major regional center with a population of 150,000 and is serviced by a local airport and the Trans-Amazonian Highway. The Volta Grande Project's mineral resources are divided into two areas: the North Block and the South Block. The North Block comprises four zones: Ouro Verde, Junction, Grota Seca, and Greia. The South Block is situated approximately 10 kilometers to the south-east.

TSX:BSX - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by Loserboardon May 09, 2015 1:51pm
Post# 23711649

Waiting on the Indiginous study.

Waiting on the Indiginous study.I believe the stock price is being held back by the indigenous study. 

Bullboard Posts