RE:Re: Open Call Rebuttalmoneysworth wrote: 1. " Oil is Cheap"... for the short term only. And, ever growing air quality concerns worldwide, are beginning to trump the temporary price weakness.
2. "Japan restarts" will benefit sentiment for the short term. However, they are nowhere near the players that China, India and company are now becoming.
3.Fission's world class deposit, is now de-risked even without the results of the upcoming drill program. If you feel this deposit "just isn't as valuable" than you honestly hold a meagre position, if any?
If you believe in the future of uranium and you've taken a good look at what's happening globally, then you cannot doubt the tremendous potential of any good U play going forward, be it, U.T, DML, NXE, CCO, FCU, etc, etc...
It may not happen tomorrow, next week or next month, but it's certainly around the corner. If you remain continually negative, find another sector and move on. This play will unfold as it should and reward the investors who hold strong, not those who move in and out, worrying about the day to day moves.
1. For the short term only? Good thing you know what major global investment funds and banks are unsure off. Fact of the matter is, oil has been cheap for months now and the majority of big investment funds think oil won't go anywhere near 100 dollars / barrel again.
2. India, China are "becoming" big uranium players up to 2025 or later. In case you haven't noticed, that's 10 years from now. Lot's of plans, lot's of proposals, but how is that gonna create a uranium rally that we've all been talking about for years now, right now?
3. Sure Fission is de-risked. So where are the bids? 43-101 came out in February, and I've personally been involved in company takeovers to know we should have heard something by now if that same 43-101 was the deciding factor in any serious takeover bid. So, it hasn't. Sure something can come after the PEA, I've NEVER said otherwise. But I DO own A LOT of shares and I'm just stating that FCU hasn't traded any lower since the 43-101, it's de-risked now as you said, so where are the bids? Just tell me where they are :-).