Shorting a 30 cent stock. What a waste of time and money. But then again, so has been holding it long. Seriously, they should jump on board with Ray Kurzweil and solve the riddle of dying from old age. Seems like all of this could have been done a long time ago. Santa isn't getting any younger. The beesh will probably go bust or jackpot right about the time everyone goes senile from being 100 years old. Seriously, how can anyone applaud or berate any successes or failures at this point? The point is that it's taken far too many people far too much time to come to EITHER decision. It's a joke really, except it's not funny and people are dying. 25%+ of which could have been saved apparently. Or at least given a better quality of life. But not quite as good of a quality of life of the one who's pulling all the strings. Haha. Brutal