RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RRRRoll back the RRRRim: Will Sprott wwwwin?IMO, from an economic point of view, it would likely make sense to go for a 1:10 rollback and then a financing of 50,000,000 new shares at $1 each (or 100,000,000 @ 50 cents) to raise $50 million to get underground and build and upgrade infrastructure.
On 2005-08-17, while @ four cents, BGM's predecessor rolled back its shares on a 1:10. It then issued, on September 28, 18,888,888 27-cent shares for debt, and then did a 3-million share financing at 50 cents. The SP dropped to 22 cents in November, 2005.
On 2009-01-15, while @ three cents, BGM's predecessor rolled back its shares on a 1:10 basis. It then did a 14,124,851-share financing at 30 cents on March 19.