RE:What a great Q1 ReportThis report is the pin-up Girl type report for the sector. For anyone wanting to establish a position in the Oilies this is the Gold Standard which only the Uniformed will ignore. Smart Investors will pile on (along with a couple of Surge Pigs I know that will be adding). Reminds me of a funny occurrence today-- as I was driving along Interstate 5 in southern Oregon, I passed a Tesla that had the vanity license plate: SUNPWRD. I rolled down the passenger's side window and shouted: Hey, that's Coal Powered, NOT sun powered. Alas, the Driver glanced at me with disdain and condescension. (Rant) and Elon Musk's Tesla stock trades in the mid $200s with a production of less than 30K cars running on electricity that is primarily generated by coal burning power plants.....