Insiders bought 2 million worth of shares, bit confusing...if mdw's ceo only bought $100,000 worth that says he only purchased 5% hardly nothing. Its like he had save face with anyone involed in mdw. With that said...unless there are compliance rules that insiders can not buy or sell when the stock is in this unorthodoxed freefall. If there are no guidelines put into place. I strongly feel not only the ceo, but the rest of the insiders purchase large amounts of mdw. They are no different than us who were/are trying to catch a falling knife. Or a longterm shareholder who got stuck in this rutt , they are forced to buy more even though we do not want to. Any pro will say buy on the dips. God foresake if mdw was 8 cents I would have average down for the 3rd time in 3 business days....At the time I did not want that route...enough to make me mdw is at 16....I wish it happened...funny how we change ....then I really could have made $$$ sickens me how people got mdw for 4 cents... now at 16 cents wow hello not fair More than a triple In 2 days. There should have been as massive support level somehow at some price. My point is I hope mdw ceo/ insiders has that type of vision...not to nail mdw at 4 some leadership by picking 1 miliion$ or much more of mdw below 30 cents, lower the better. That will show me who is this boss. If mdw goes bankrupt I'm a Dump stupid loser, & i will admire how insiders/ceo laid off this puppy. There is no way we can be smarter lol. IE if one buys at 20 cents mdw goes to a buck. Thats a five banger...those are rare....never had one. If one bought mdw at 1 buck it has to go to 5 bucks for the same rate of return....In my opinion going to $5 is much harder. Can mdw get there..absolutely....prove this baby up over the year, as we know Big B is watching every move.