Time to buy NAN? Time for nickel to move? I don't own any NAN yet. I've been watching for a while now. I like nickel and own Sherrit, Royal Nickel and Westhaven. I have bought each because they offer a different level of risk versus reward. If nickel prices finally increase then I'd expect Sherrit to come close to $6. They've got that fantastic asset Ambatovy that's just come online and is expected to produce lots of nickel on top of what Sherrit already produces. I see the downside here as $2. I own it at the $2.65 level. This is producer and less risky than the other two. Royal Nickel has a big project in a good jurisdiction and a great management team in place. If any of the big miners wanted to add a big development stage project to their portfolio this would be the obvious target. I see this as a potential $1.50 stock and have a position in the mid 30cent level. I'm not sure what I'd peg the downside here as. If it doesn't get bought it then I guess it will just languish and drift down slowly. I bought Westhaven at 9 cents last year. They had just made a nickel sulphide discovery in BC aka the gateway to asia. There's lots of Asian groups already exploring there but mainly for copper. Why not nickel too. I've made money on other deals just by following the company's president. He is a very famous explorer and puts his money where his mouth is. The management here owns something like 50 or 60% of the stock and don't take salaries. Or at least not much of one. I like that a lot. Their nickel discovery has lots in common with the Royal Nickel project too. Could be bigger even. Plus they have a pretty interesting gold project. I'm sitting on a loss at the moment here as they are at 6.5cents. I see them as a 10 bagger from here though. With such a tight structure and good projects to explore and develop, this could be a big winner. Then again maybe somebody does try to buy them for 4 cents. I doubt management would sell though and they own the stock! I wouldn't take my word for it. Take a look at Sherrit and Westhaven too and come to your own conclusion. I'm positively biased on all of these stocks though. Check out www.westhavenventures.com if you're looking for a potential 10 bagger.