Gut feeling..... The bull is very tired and smart money will drive SP500 below 2000 again very soon on increased concerns that Q2 will be much worse then Q1.
Buybacks combined with FED policy has created another possible 2008/2009. Washington has wiped out the middle class.....
The backbone to any economy is the middle class families that spend their hard earned income in the local economy....The top 1% of the wealthiest americans have hoarded the profits and spend on lavish lifestyles in foreign countries....
Washington / The FED made a huge mistake by providing QE1/2/3 to the wrong people.....Policy should have been in place to force any company receiving QE money to fulfill full employment as a trade off....Instead they farmed out their assembly lines to Mexico/China/India and never re-hired....
Big Trouble In Little China Folks........HVU going back to $10 within the next 2-3 months.....SP500 & Global Markets will get squeezed to the tune of 20%+ on volatile trading IMHO......
HVU has been as high as $40k and now near all time low of $4.30ish on a 8 year bull run that has been manufactured for the wealthy.....If the cards were turned and the US middle/low class revolted we would see the likes of a depression. IMO the American Gov. is leaning towards starting another war in an effort to re-direct attention from this massive manufactured American Story....