This should have been Luxor's PR & to hold tight with ituntil it happens, when paper currencies begin to collapse. That seems to be by the end of the year. However it will still be gradually and not cataclysmically, but definitely with a returned strong gold era growing, just as gradually and not cataclysmically.
The wrong Luxor PR about the merger, is meaningless, illogical and senseless, bordering on the criminal since doesn't represent the fiduciary responsibilities to CRK or its minority shareholders. Especially since Luxor Capital Group is located in the heart of the financial capital of the world, New York, and know what is happening and going to happen.
Both articles are very short and to the point.
Interview with James Turk Part I
"His latest book is “The Money Bubble: What To Do Before It Pops.” HAI Managing Editor Sumit Roy caught up with Turk to discuss his current views on gold and the financial markets"
"Still, we haven't had the pop of the bubble yet, but we’re on a clear trend toward the bubble popping, which it will if we don’t go back to sound money policies. The popping of the bubble means that fiat currencies will no longer be used and trusted in commerce the way they are now because people will have lost confidence in them"
Interview with James Turk Part 2
"Turk: I still see the underlying fundamental value of gold to be $12,000 per ounce. That's no more outrageous than saying in the early 1970s that when gold was at $35, that it would go to $850 an ounce by the end of that decade. We are in the same kind of situation today that prevailed back then, except circumstances now are worse."