RE:RDX trying to hoodwink CWT?LAKINGS2012 wrote: Carthage: We know that RDX has shut down the plant and even stripped the electrical wiring like a crackhead in need of a fix!
Santa Fe Springs: We know that RDX has shut down this plant as well and has moved the refinery equipment purchased to a "secret location"!
Employees: RDX has let almost everyone go and I heard some of them have been told to expect a call in six months!
M2 Renewables deal I heard has fallen through and M2 Renewables is so nervous about the money they have received from RDX they have formed a new entity call M2S2 LLC.
Who knows what else is going on? When the lights turn on, all you see is the cockroaches scatter!
We know why Danzik stated no guidance for the remainder of 2015. We also know why he may have told some of the employees to expect a call in 6 months. He could want some of them back to run some of this equipment, at some of these secret locations that this equipment has been disappearing to. Danzik stated earlier he was upgrading the carthage plant to meet fuel requirements, but stripping the plant of its belongings, is a funny way to do this. Maybe he is going to do this upgrade at one of his secret locations. Where are these rats hiding.? Lock them all up...