Televal management teamWas reading the last news release again, and picked out a few key statements regarding the very talented team that was hand chosen to run our JV company Televal by Inteligencia.
The president, Mr. Gomez. "For the ten years prior to start-up of Intelligencia, he held an executive position with Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex)." I believe Telmex is one of the largest telcos in Mexico, and also believe they are doing the homologation of our products. Without their certification, products would not be purchased by the other telcos.
CEO, Mr. Vazquez. "Since 2013, in anticipation of deregulation in the telecom industry, he has participated in the formation of Mexican companies focused on the new and expansive opportunities in the Mexican and Latin American telecommunications markets." Possibly buyers or distributors of our products through their own company? Smart people.
Mr. Rotunno, Sales Director, "development of fiber optic networks for Ericsson and Telmex."
This team is prepared for the roll-out of fibre to the home and premise, and thoughtfully and carefully chose a company to do that with, Valdor. Very few, if any small companies get the opportunity to enter such a massive marketas Valdor has just enterred, ($35 billion/year and growing at 35%). And don't forget, this is only one division of 3, or possibly 4, that Valdor is building to generate revenue. Thank you Valdor management for your tireless efforts.
Have a great week, Sparky.