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Leggett & Platt Inc T.LEG

Primary Symbol: LEG

Leggett & Platt, Incorporated is a manufacturer that conceives, designs, and produces a range of engineered components and products found in many homes and automobiles. The Company’s segments include Bedding Products, Specialized Products and Furniture, Flooring & Textile Products. Bedding Products segment supplies a variety of components and machinery used by bedding manufacturers in the production and assembly of their finished products, as well as produces private label finished mattresses for bedding brands. Specialized Products segment supplies lumbar support systems, seat suspension systems, motors and actuators, and control cables used by automotive manufacturers. It also produces and distribute tubing and tube assemblies for the aerospace industry and engineered hydraulic cylinders used in the material-handling and construction industries. Furniture, Flooring & Textile Products segment supplies a range of components for residential and work furniture manufacturers.

NYSE:LEG - Post by User

Post by natalia069on Jun 12, 2015 9:41am
Post# 23823739

not the right forum for name calling

not the right forum for name callingI understand that most may have or might loose some money on this stupid deal, but I am disappointed by the low-level communications. is it really necessary to go that route. If you have info share it, an opinion, by all means, but everything else spare us. I think the stock will rally before the sale which I think will happen. Until then, and after that who knows..
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