Internet Trolls - Truly UbiquitousI'm brand new to this investment game (new being a marked understatment) and have found myself on this website regularly when trying to figure things out. One thing that has surprised me however is the amount of internet trolls that are on these boards, literally every single bullboard has them. I'd always imagined these angry people were teenagers or loners in their mid 40's who had failed at life and lived with their parents but these boards have opened my eyes. I cannot imagine for a second that teenagers or sad uneducated loners would choose this forum to try and upset people. The people that inhabit these boards must have some level of intelligence, or have been successful enough in life to be able to risk their hard earned cash. This leaves me with one question, why on earth are successful, educated, well-to-do adults spending their time trolling other investors? I'm sure there's an explanation but I'm yet to find it. Very, very baffling.