Check thy Company's Website...(Notice of 2015 AGM)And thou shall find some fun facts:
Like: The Manajjar total compensation increased from approx $2.5 million in 2013 to $3.44 million in 2014. An approximate increase of $ 1 million !!. or lets say only.... 40% !!!
I know certain companies, much much bigger than this PieceOShit where there Manajjars dont even make a million dolla !!. This Manajjar takes good care of himself !!
At the same time, the shareholders lost more than 11% value from 2013 to 2014 !!!!
Now, who would want to donate more money to this operation ???.
Mr. Manajjar, would you care to explain this to the suckas aka sharehowlders at da BIG Meeting tomorrow !!! Owwwwww !!