I think people are getting pissed off and scared of this company so that's why you probably see all the unloading lately.Jenny's got a point.. This company's management team is going to run it down to the ground unless something is going on behind the scenes that were not aware of. (Highly doubt it.) I'm trying to stay positive due to the circumstances of the economy ect. But looking at what steps other company's are doing to cut cost while axl is paying themselves extremely well makes me wonder that the cards are spread out in front of me and why am I not selling? (Get what I can.) At this point to see it go back up to even .20 will take alot of work. I'm hoping there's a god out there and hope the company gets sold. Now on another note. Jenny you keep saying that management isn't buying up any shares at market. Which is completely a true fact. My thinking is maybe the company might get bought out and they can't buy shares do to the information they know? Maybe it's wishful thinking one might say. But that's the only answer I can come up with..unless this team is completely useless and don't care about filing for bankruptcy I don't know just takin a stab it. Glta