The noise on this boardI'm saddened by the noise that has appeared on this board over the last few months. What we all need to do is simply press the "ignore" button when we see someone personally attacking others on this board. This is an investment forum, not a playground. If you're here to bash, might as well log off your computer and go outside for some vitamin D.
I've lurked this board for many moons and I've been trading PHM since January. I've watched the stock since late 2014 and it has been an absolute darling for longs and traders. Many of you on this board post valuable TA and insight (not to mention breaking news as it happens). Anyone with business accumen can see what is noise and what is information that we should consider. Personal attacks are certainly noise.
Unlike a lot of the keyboard warriors on this board, I have a record of all of my PHM trades to date (date bought, sold, SP, gain/loss). While I am a recent graduate who holds a full-time job as a teacher and day-trades when I can, I can confidently say that I have great faith in this company. I've been hesitant about GBA (growth by acquisition) companies since I was hurt by ACQ last year. Fortunately, I've been on the right side of PHM thus far. I'm holding my current position as it was established at a much higher SP (Can't win them all right?) This news is comforting and I too cannot wait for Q3 numbers. People lie, numbers rarely do.
I won't sit here and tell you who to listen to, but please, let's not forget what this site is for people. Can I get an amen? GLTYA.