Future Present....
-being that I am no financial expert, what entails a financial expert?, and doing the DD that is suggested by evertone, I have to a few rationizations for your consideration, if you wish to do so,tia.
-1)-after reading the Grooome/D&T/&extreme, how is it that they come or chose a recommende price, in this case, $12? Are they trying to plug a holding of their own, and if so how reputable can their judgements be if they are so far of here? I would suspect that their "numbers" would help them arrive at a particular "#", so they muuuust be be quite confident in their decision to give a reco or their reputation would be at risk, no? Sooo, if this statement can be held as true and does their DD like we did, wouldn't they come to the same conclusion and BUY this stock- this is not happening, yet.
-2)-after the telus/clearnet takeover, would it not seem possible that a company like BCEmergis or Rodgers AT&T not be interested in upgrading their wireless communications and maybe, just maybe, think of purchasing a growing and leader in its innovations like ONE? If a possibility exists, how would the share price be determined? Also, does A.C. have any special say, poisin pill as an example, in preventing such a move by a larger comp.?
-3)-finally, their is great potential here,so, let 's enjoy the ride when it happens, sooner than later
-have a good One