GREY:GLBCF - Post by User
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Dirt2Oil13on Jun 18, 2015 2:51pm
Post# 23845359
Break even point
Break even pointNot sure what the break even point is but to repay loan IMHL would get 116,750,000 more shares on top of the 17,497,640 they have now. if Karakul total Cobalt or minerials equivalent to Cobalt equals 15 tons they get another 80,000,000 shares in GCO.So they may end up with 214,247,640 shares of a total share amount of about 290,508,888 in GCO stock.So I believe GCO would have the rights to Karakul and IMHL would own 74 % of GCO.Completing the reverse take over.Guess we will find out when package gets delivered to us.Dirt2Oil13