RE:Long TermChefboy is right. Personally I have been watching this industry since Day 1 and have been invested in Tweed and Bedrocan since the beginning. I have never sold a share of either company but instead have slowly accumulated on the dips. At one point I was heavy Tweed and light on Bedrocan until recently at which point I owned a lot more BED than TWD. Why did I invest in this industry and these companies in particular? Because I decided a risk/reward opportunity like this comes along once in a lifetime if you are lucky. When the LPs debuted the risk was great and that is why I started small but over the last year and a half or so that risk has been getting smaller and lucky for me the stock prices have been staying the same or even going lower and therefore I have been adding. The investment still has some risk but that risk keeps diminishing. Now that the two best companies have merged at precisely the same time that their operations are just beginning to bear fruit and get closer to profitability they are even safer and in a position to dominate the market regardless of recreational legalization. However, recreational legalization and/or a new government seems probable based on the latest polls and if that happens anyone who is holding these stocks is going to start repeating MAJOR rewards. (A new government would be the biggest thing that could possibly happen to the industry) Regardless edibles IS going to happen very soon and so is exporting. There is also the MMAR court case. When these things start happening the stock price is going to explode and people are going to take nice profits but I won't be one of them... this is a long term hold for me and I will probably continue to accumulate on the dips for the next 10 years assuming the companies keep hitting their milestones. The more research I do the more and more likely it seems that this stock is like owning DIAGEO or Budweiser just before prohibition ended or Coke before soft drinks were popular or Google before the internet was in every house. Those examples are extreme and sound very optimistic but I urge you to do your own research and consider the possibilities because I honestly believe that is the kind of potential BED/TWD have. There is still some risk but not like before and the long term reward keeps looking better and better. Just my thoughts and good luck.