gearsThat is worthy of a re-post RE:POET cultists decimate new member To funny Pin head. That new Board member wasn't new at all and you know it. He was merely one of your many twisted Alter ego's that pop in and out of that Board on a regular basis. Troufisback you don't fool anyone with your moronic low life penny flipping tactics that have earned your aliases "thousands" of ignores over the years. Ironic how the half dozen negative core posters on this SH board seek their amo/sick entertainment from the other Board's members, whom they missquote, discredit and also shred the co. at every chance with their asinine comments. Seems like there are a handfull of eternally wounded souls over here and over there who wanted to get rich quick and are bored of picking their noses and prefer the blame game because they can't connect any dots, nor evolve into self respecting adults.