ILLIQUID- FINANCIALS/INVESTMENTS? - FILED AUDITSFNR - refer to the 2014 Audit, Letter from Auditor, especially Emphasis of Matter comments - filed on Sedar - Discussing On Going Concern and the need for FNR to continue to be able to raise funds. Also, refer t the unaudited report on Sedar - discusses, in comments, the need for new funds.
Based on the current MKTS, FNR's performance over the years, high expenses/salaries, and MKT conditions in the Financial and Resource MKTS now and in the future the funds are not there and FNR will need to sell assets? find investors, where every Resource company is seeking the same group of investors?
Investments - FNR states on their website they seek "High Growth Project, investing with the best in the bsuness and etc. As well MGMT continues to state, since 2012 - that the Commodity MKTS are staging or will stage a come back and its just around the corner??? Not Likely - perhaps in 2020 not 2015? not 2016? not 2017? will FNR and MGMT still be here????
Current Investments - GCR - 3.5/4 cents - Illiquid - WGF - 2.5/4 cents Illiquid - OMM - 4.5/6,5 cents - Illiquid - WTR- 1 to 1.5 cents - Illiquid - CZC - 1.5 /2 cents- Illiquid?? Nucoal ? Troy energy? and etc. Illiquid?? All based on current info on public prices and volumes - no/few buyers??? Sellers - Yes? that is if liquidty does show up
In my humble opinion, FNR is a Sell that is if you can or an avoid - refer to the filed Audits on Sedar - Refer to stock performance - Refer to trading volumes on FNR and its public holdings -
All the above based on Public Info, Financial MKTS, Public discussions with MGMT, ( past discussions) state of the Resource MKTS - State of the Financial and Debt MKTS