RE:Still trouble in paradiseThanks Supra, Here's the translation:
auge petrolero en Vaca Muerta</STRONG> y de ser Neuquén la provincia más rica y con más presupuesto de la Patagonia, no pudo pagar el medio aguinaldo de junio. El gobernador tuvo que aplazar el pago hasta lograr un permiso del congreso provincial para tomar más deuda y así cumplir con el compromiso." _position="static" adjustalign="true" len="320"> Despite the oil in Vaca Muerta boom and being Neuquén province more rich and more budget of Patagonia, he could not pay the average bonus in June. The Governor had to postpone payment until you obtain a permit from the provincial Congress to take more debt and thus to fulfil the commitment.
An excess in spending and the fall in the price of the barrel struck in income but in turn raised a question mark over whether political class is ready to manage the extra oil income that generates the site the country star.
Neuquén no pudo pagar el medio aguinado a sus empleados estatales</STRONG>. Los haberes de junio se abonarán el 6 y el 7 mientras que<STRONG len="41" adjustAlign="true"> se aplazó para el 20 de julio el pago de</STRONG> la primera cuota del Salario Anual Complementario." _position="static" adjustalign="true" len="390"> Despite announcements of investments, sources of work are created, the housing bubble and the explosion of car 0 km, Neuquén could not pay the half aguinado State employees. Assets of June will be credited 6 and 7 while was postponed to July 20 payment of the first instalment of the additional annual salary.
350 millones de dólares</STRONG>" _position="static" lang="en">Dates were defined after the relief that gave the legislature the Executive Branch last Wednesday when it approved a bond debt by $ 350 million.
Las finanzas públicas están en un momento delicado</STRONG>. Entre los pagos de sueldo de mayo y junio más el aguinaldo, el tesoro neuquino suma desembolsos por un total de 3.000 millones de pesos. Dos factores fueron claves: la caída del precio del barril de petróleo de más de 50% que impacta sobre el cobro de regalías y el gasto público excedido en medio de la campaña para elegir gobernador, que le permitió al Movimiento Popular Neuquino mantenerse en el poder. " _position="static" adjustalign="true" len="482"> Public finances are at a delicate time. Between May and June more salary payments the aguinaldo, Neuquén treasure adds disbursements totaling 3 billion pesos. Two factors were key: the fall of the price of a barrel of oil of more than 50%, which impacts on the collection of royalties and public spending exceeded in the midst of the campaign to elect Governor, allowing the Neuquén people's movement to remain in power.
35,7%</STRONG> en el primer trimestre contra el mismo período del año pasado, el gasto creciò <STRONG len="5" adjustAlign="true">57,3%</STRONG> por el incremento en los rubros remuneraciones al personal (<STRONG len="6" adjustAlign="true">+66,5%</STRONG>) y prestaciones a la seguridad social (+72,3), según datos de Administración de Presupuesto y Administración Pública (ASAP)." _position="static" adjustalign="true" lang="en" len="365"> While revenues increased 35.7% in the first quarter against the same period of the year passed, spending grew 57.3% by the increase in the areas remuneration staff (+ 66.5%) and benefits (+ 72.3) social security, according to budget management and public administration (ASAP).
/" href="" target=_top len="14" adjustAlign="true">Omar Gutiérrez</A>, ganara las elecciones de abril, <STRONG len="77" adjustAlign="true">fue generoso con los gremios estatales para evitar el conflicto en las calles</STRONG>. En enero cerró un 30% de aumento salarial que hoy le cuesta pagar. " _position="static" adjustalign="true" len="434"> Governor Jorge Sapag, concerned that his dolphin and economy Minister
Omar Gutiérrez, won the elections in April,
he was generous to the unions of the State to prevent the conflict in the streets. In January it closed a 30% salary increase that today costs you pay.
And as settled that at six months the parties could return to gather in the event of a need to review the Convention, Neuquén teachers want something more to cover other items such as increased transportation spending and announced a strike for the late payment of the bonus.
/" href="" target=_top len="11" adjustAlign="true">Vaca Muerta</A> no es todavía la panacea esperada y que la clase política gasta a cuenta de un ingreso petrolero que siempre resulta insuficiente." _position="static" adjustalign="true" lang="en" len="307"> This fiscal drowning shows that
Vaca Muerta is not still the expected panacea and that the political class spends oil income that is always insufficient account.