TGX Return on InvestmentNow we all know that anyone who buys stock in TGX will become rich beyond their wildest dreams. This is a scientific fact that no one can argued with. If you bought TGX when it IPO'd in 2002, you would have a million dollars today!...Provided that you started with 100 million dollars! If you were lucky enough to get in on the ground floor and buy TGX in 2002, your return on investment is -88%. If, on the other hand, in 2002, you dug a hole in the ground, put a penny in the hole, and covered it in dog poo, then dug it up 13 years later, your return on investment would be -23%! The dog poo covered penny delivered a 65% greater return on equity than TGX. Wow. Dog poo pennies: delivering a greater ROI than TGX for over 13 years!