RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Value of Temex
You are all wet. first, what we paid for TME has no relevance in this discussion be 5 cents or 50 cents. What is of importance is the present au in ground and the future value as you say when the resource market turns. When that does happen TME will be an easy 30baggger on its own without giving away the lions share for peanuts now. If need be we can go it alone that is what the exec was telling us. So I want to know why they turned around on a dime and like this deal AND I insist on knowing the precise detals of the deals the various execs and boards are getting and the SIZE of their GOLDEN PARACHUTES.
Vote NO, this does not smell good for TME shareholders. EAG and others where lucky that Dundee was a major shareholder so they made sure to get THEM a good deal - all at our (TME) expense.
Vote NO.
We possibly should look into the possibility of launching a dissent. Allwe need id 5% that should be real easy. Will we need a lawyer for that?