Up a lot further than it's been downMy point is that the stock is up by a lot more from its IPO, or close to it's IPO than its's come down from it's peak.
If you bought at or near the IPO price, you have a return of somewhere between 300% and 400% or better to date.
Now if someone was lucky enough to get into a short position right at or near the 34.50$ peak the stock hit in January 2014, for which they've had to put up margin at 130% of that price, which is the brokerage standard, or 44.85$ per share, they've had that cash immobilized for 18 months now and have only managed a 40% ROI (18$/44.85$), which is chump change in comparison. And the best return those same shorts can hope for, even if the company were to fail and the stock go to zero is 76%, which it isn't about to happen with the balance sheet it has, the margins it's realizing on sales, and the industry prospects going forward, which is pretty much the best anyone can hope for from any short position given margin requirements.
So yes. Please short with impunity.
I'm guesing those who do will be regretting it within 6 months with the lift the comapny should get from the upcoming U.S. plant opening and the new contracts that will give it access to, the industry enthusiam for new product it's been bringring to market recently, it's investments in advancing it's analytics products, as well as others, and it's IP portfolio, as well as the industry clout it's gaining due to it's CTO's increased recognition level and very good reputation.