another lesson learnedin how management says one thing, does another.. If this move was strategic for all our benefit, it would have been announced after the PEA, not before, no matter what the conclusion- my guess- it's (the PEA), either favourable, and Lundin wants in before the SP rises, or it 's not, and Dev needs him and his roladeck of deep pocketed contacts.. It's obvious Lundin wanted in since 2012, when for some miraculous reason, (if we are to believe what we were told), Dev sold him the farm, except for PLS).. I say we vote a resounding "no" to this insult merger, and we vote to throw Mr. Randawa's inflated ego and super inflated salary out the door for even suggesting such a back track of 3 years of promising hype.. IMO, this is a bad day for all us longs, who've been fed a load of BS from a CEO who can't see past the end of his own nose, empty awards, or undeserved paycheck. Had he stated the truth, being, "no one is interested, so we need the Lundins", rather than spin this deal as anything other than what it is- 2 companies with assets, joining forces in a bad market, i might be willing to stomach it, like i do Dev's photo on our web site- able to look past the BS .. From now on, i will only invest in miners with a CEO that has actually mined, not a cheap salesman who only wear's the clothing and spends the kitty..
good grief- not the way i had hoped to wake this morning..
in any case, good luck to all longs, we'll need it..